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LTD SUB: NSF Scientific Ocean Drilling Coordination Office (SODCO) for the Division of Ocean Sciences
May 27th, 2024

The mission of the NSF Regional Innovation Engines Program (NSF Engines) is to accelerate the development of sustainable, inclusive, and geographically diverse regional innovation ecosystems that advance key technologies and address pressing regional, national, societal, and/or geostrategic challenges. The program is designed to catalyze thriving place-based innovation ecosystems that function as interdependent networks, characterized by a coalition of stakeholders who benefit from their proximity and intentional coordination within both their topic area and region of service. This is different from a collection of siloed assets co-located within a geographic region. Each NSF Engine must demonstrate a strong commitment to inclusively leverage the full spectrum of diverse talent that society has to offer along several dimensions (e.g., perspectives, geographies, race, ethnicity, gender, types of organizations, and community type). Funding for this program will prioritize funding for regions with less-established innovation ecosystems.

LTD SUB: NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines)
May 16th, 2024

The mission of the NSF Regional Innovation Engines Program (NSF Engines) is to accelerate the development of sustainable, inclusive, and geographically diverse regional innovation ecosystems that advance key technologies and address pressing regional, national, societal, and/or geostrategic challenges. The program is designed to catalyze thriving place-based innovation ecosystems that function as interdependent networks, characterized by a coalition of stakeholders who benefit from their proximity and intentional coordination within both their topic area and region of service. This is different from a collection of siloed assets co-located within a geographic region. Each NSF Engine must demonstrate a strong commitment to inclusively leverage the full spectrum of diverse talent that society has to offer along several dimensions (e.g., perspectives, geographies, race, ethnicity, gender, types of organizations, and community type). Funding for this program will prioritize funding for regions with less-established innovation ecosystems.